Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Aurelia's High school years

When I was about 13 years old I started Self harming my self, cutting, burning, and starving my self as well as trying to overdoce on pills. I was sent to a hospital when I was 16 years old. I stayed at the UCLA hospital for about 2 1/2 months. It suckd but I needed it! After that I was send to a place named Wellow Springs out in Reno. I stayed there for about 4 months. I continude to self harm and get in to a lot of touble there. (NOT good). After I stayed there my parents felt like I stile needed to go to a long term treatment place. They then sent me to a place named Alpine Academy. I was very up set and I was not very happy to be in another treatment place! I stayed there for a year 1/2. With in my stay there I got in to troubel a lot! I was put on sub sestem many many times. (Thats NOT a good thing at all!) I turned 18 and felt like I could do what ever I wanted to do. About a week or so after my 18th birthday I decided to run from Alpine. lol... I took my red bag and my bar I had hade sence I was 2 and walked out of Alpine. I did not get very far before the police drove up and askd me where I was going. Then one of the staff from Alpine just happend to drive by. She drove me back to alpine. I was very mad!!! Later that day I decided to try to run again. I did not get far before I was told to go back once again. After all this I decided that I need to start being good in order for me to get out of Alpine. I had a lot of small slip up but I was abile to graduate Alpine year 2008. Thank goodness. Looking back Alpine did help a lot!! Yes I stile slip up every once in a while, but I learned a lot from being at Alpine